Sleep Hygiene
Prioritizing sleep is a key to optimal physical and mental health. This is a starting list of actions to improve your sleep. Adults typically need 7+ hours a night.
Daily habits to support sleep
Get the sun on your skin throughout the day
Get moving; engage in physical activity or exercise.
Cut caffeine by the early afternoon
Drink plenty of water
Limit late-night eating
Create a relaxing sleeping environment: quiet, dark, cool, comfortable
Supplements for additional support: 5-HTP, GABA, L-Theanine, Magnesium Glycinate, L-Tryptophan, L-Glutamine, Vitamin B-6
Get in proper ROUTINES!
Wake-up Routine
Have a consistent wake-up time
Implement early sunlight exposure and/or grounding outside
Sleep Routine
Have a consistent bedtime
30-60 minutes before bedtime, turn off electronic devices (phone, TV, computer, etc.)
30-60 minutes before bedtime, calm your environment: lower lights, calm music, relaxing activities