We’re a month out from July’s KetoCon in Austin, TX so I thought it was a good time to reflect on the experience and what to consider when you’re thinking about attending an event! I have five main takeaways of my own to share and at the end, a bonus visit from the Keto Road coaching team with each of their main reflections!

KetoCon is one of the biggest annual gatherings of the keto community. The event is promoted as “The Science and Stories of Keto” and is a great weekend filled with both. Leading researchers in the keto space attend to speak and a variety of panels bring you the stories of the people living this lifestyle. This year I was on the Stories Panel, Berto was on the Athlete Panel and Jon gave a speech! If you want to learn more about this specific event be sure to visit their website at https://www.ketocon.org

Let’s get into my list of takeaways from this year!

Community Is Everything

It may seem overwhelming to attend an event with over 1000 people but if I get across one thing to you here it is how much this feels like attending a family reunion! There’s power in community and this is a place to experience, especially if you feel like you’re disconnected when your major interactions for support is from the online keto community. In 2019 I walked into this event and saw my Instagram timeline come to life and yes, for a minute, it was overwhelming. But almost immediately you find the overwhelming emotion shifts to be one of care and interest. People start sharing stories, discussing struggles and even commiserating about the frustrations of living a ketogenic lifestyle when everyone else thinks you’re wild for doing so.

Knowledge Is Power (You Must Use Properly!)

There is a lot of information being shared at this event. Authors, doctors, and more bringing their latest works through presentations, booths, and one on one discussions. It is an incredible opportunity to learn and strategize. Open yourself up to it but don’t forget to keep your personal filter intact. It is easy to see new ideas or trends and immediately feel like you want to jump right on them. They could be the thing you are looking for but they also might not be! The energy of an event can create this artificial sense of pressure that you should be confirming your practices to match other peoples. Remember to process this knowledge and apply what is most relevant and helpful to you in the context of your life. Plain and simple, don’t just change your process because you’re feeling energized!

Products Are Everywhere

One of the most eye widening finds at an event like KetoCon is the vendor exhibition. More free samples and new products than you can easily count. Often our first instinct is to try it all right away! And often this leads less to new discoveries and more to digestive upset! The products themselves aren’t necessarily the culprit but the volume. Take the samples, but remember you don’t have to try them all at once. The truly great thing is that you get to meet the people behind these products! You can connect with the people behind some of your favorites and discover the passion of companies you have never even encountered. For me, it’s being able to see that passion live that is exciting! You get to learn how the products are developed and brought to you. There will be great deals too, but realize you can still wait until your home until you determine if something is right for you!

Tell Your Story (And Listen to Others!)

Earlier I spoke to the power of the community at an event like this but here I want to emphasize that you are a powerful part of this experience. You’re not just a passive observer. You’re living the ketogenic lifestyle, possible for years or even if just for days. Your personal story is an important part of this event and could be a great way to not only build connections but also help other people. Yes, listen to what others are sharing and saying but also bring yourself to the table. Hearing the wide and varied stories of other people is one of the best parts of this experience. Sitting with new people at dinner, saying hi in the vendor hall, or approaching someone after a workshop are great opportunities to engage. Honestly, some of my favorite moments talking were at the Starbucks down the street when you see a familiar face or someone knows you!

Take Opportunities Like This Seriously

Lastly, this event is a lot of fun but it is also something you should see as a serious opportunity to build connections, learn and grow. My advice on how to do this at any keto event? Look at the schedule in advance so you know who will be speaking. Follow the event account and their hashtags so you can see who will be attending. Share that you are going! Armed with this information, build some goals for yourself about sessions you want to attend or people you want to meet. Heck set general goals too that support your personal goals and journey. Whatever you do, do not hesitate to say hi to someone you want to meet or ask for a picture. Its why we’re all there and it is not intrusive! The second part of this one is possible the most important piece and that’s properly process the event! Sit down when you’re home and review your notes, reinforce the connections you’ve made and even do so assessment of your current personal goals. Events like KetoCon above all things are a battery of inspiration and motivation, and it’s what you do with that energy that matters most!

If my takeaways spark anything in you that you’d like to hear more about or discuss please DM me! Like I said above, I asked each member of the Keto Road Team what their number one takeaway from KetoCon was and they were glad to share! Here you go:

Coach Amy: I loved hearing from experts in the field about the expanding body of research showing the positive influence a ketogenic diet plays in women’s health and mental health. It’s so much more than weight loss. We must continue to spread the word!

Coach Berto: Don’t wait! It’s a long weekend but it goes by quick, if you see someone you want to talk to, make it happen asap!

Coach Jon: Being healthy is more than just eating less food. It’s the quality of the food and the people you surround yourself with that make the difference.

Are you interested in seeing if there’s a keto community event happening near you anytime soon? Check out the great calendar that acts like a clearinghouse for these events at https://www.lowcarbevents.com .


